Trust, But Verify


We have actually had positive progress on the short-term disability front. Yesterday, I received a phone call from M’s employer, letting me know that the liaison for the insurance company had spoken to someone at the insurance company about my problem AND that I would be hearing from my case manager before the end of the day. It was nearly 5:00 pm, but the case manager did call and say that she had received the medical files she needed (I don’t see how, but I’m not questioning anything.) Supposedly, the case has been referred to some committee for review and we should hear in a week if disability has been approved.

Fine. She was REALLY snippy on the phone – evidently she didn’t like me going behind her back and over her head to get the ball rolling. And I don’t care. This has gone on long enough!

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I reminded M that it was black plastic bag Tuesday and he said that he had already gotten the trash together throughout the house and it was ready to go. I believe it was President Reagan who said “Trust, but verify,” so I did a little reconnaissance work to check.

I don’t know what trash he had gathered, but there was plenty that still needed to be collected. He didn’t say anything when I asked him to get the trash from the bathrooms and the bedroom. But when I mentioned the kitchen garbage can, he got that bag and stomped out the door. Then, after he walked to the street and back, he was back to his sunny self.

Tonight, he and my dad are going out for their “wing night” and he’s taking the rest of his birthday cake for the guys to enjoy. I’ll be glad to get it out of the house – it’s been WAY too tempting!

6 Replies to “Trust, But Verify”

  1. I’m glad things are moving. These people don’t realize, or care, that it’s people’s lives they’re affecting by dragging their feet.

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