Happy Days Are Here Again!

I thought I had nothing to write about today . . . M and I had an uneventful evening last night and nothing much has been happening.

And then the phone rang this afternoon.

After all this time, and this process started on August 19, 2019, M has been approved for short-term disability and a check for the “back pay” will be processed and mailed to us within 7 – 10 business days.

Not only that, the insurance company will begin the process to transfer his files for long-term disability. The woman from the insurance company was still snippy on the phone, but I didn’t care.

Whew. I can’t tell you what a relief this is!

It doesn’t mean we can run out and start spending money willy-nilly, but it does mean that we can be careful and we’ll be fine.

So now, younger son is coming home for the Columbus Day weekend, we’re on our way to see the oldest grandson play baseball tonight and I may actually sleep through the night, for once.

What a good feeling!

12 Replies to “Happy Days Are Here Again!”

  1. I can’t imagine what a relief that must be! Now that he’s gone through the approval for short-term, I hope the way to long-term is less arduous.

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