A Walking We Will Go

I’ve been trying to get myself and M out the door to walk the dogs in the evening, but it seems like every time I suggest it, I hear a rumble of thunder in the distance. We seem to have a thunderstorm roll through the area almost every evening. And I’m not going out as soon as I get home from work because it’s too hot for the dogs. It’s hard to find a good time. Continue reading “A Walking We Will Go”

Best Foot Forward

Add ANOTHER project to the list . . .

I had a pretty good day yesterday. The health system I work for has been under bankruptcy protection since early March and has been looking for a larger organization to take over operations in our service area for several years. Even with all the uncertainty in health care at the moment, things seem to be going well right now and our leadership team seems positive about the future. That hasn’t always been the case. Continue reading “Best Foot Forward”

Down By the Sea

How many times have I said it – it seemed like such a good idea at the time? This one really did . . . really! Our nieces were celebrating their birthdays (12 and 4) and they live at the beach so it seemed like the perfect opportunity for M and I to have a few days at the beach. Right? Continue reading “Down By the Sea”