The Other Woman

There’s a new woman in my husband’s life, but she’s so pretty and so sweet, I really can’t say anything about the time he spends with her. Her name is Becky and I’ve been spending time with Becky’s boyfriend, as well, so we have quite a little “thing” going around here. Continue reading “The Other Woman”

Dog Shaming?

Yesterday was a combo meal – a comedy of errors followed by the “I didn’t do it” chorus.

And they wonder why my blood pressure is going up.

I got a call from our dentist’s office a few weeks ago, letting me know that they were trying to reschedule appointments that were missed while everyone was quarantined. Could M come in to get his teeth cleaned at 11 am on June 10th?

Yes, he can.

Yesterday morning, as I was getting dressed for work, I let M know that he had a dentist’s appointment.

Cue the worry and agitation. Continue reading “Dog Shaming?”