Feeling Blah in Pandemic Times

I recently saw a headline that read “the art of being grateful on really hard days” and it stopped me in my tracks. Because days have felt especially hard lately.

And they shouldn’t. I’m still working – thank God! We’re all still healthy and still able to get groceries, as needed. My tendency to purchase items out of habit, whether I need them or not, has come in handy during this pandemic, Continue reading “Feeling Blah in Pandemic Times”

Gimme Shelter

Shelter in place continues . . .

How are things where you are? Our state has had shelter in place for a couple of weeks, and now the CDC is recommending wearing face masks whenever we’re out in public. I can just see me getting my dad and my husband to do that. Yeah, right. Continue reading “Gimme Shelter”

The Plague Continues

How are you? Are you stuck inside? Do you have enough bread? Milk? Toilet paper?

The county I live in has issued a “Shelter in place” order, but since I work for a health care system, I’m still going to work every day. I think M and I being together all day/every day in the same house would get to be a bit much. Continue reading “The Plague Continues”

L-O-N-G Distance

M and I are giving new meaning to the term “social distance” – about 665 miles, give or take.

That’s right – he and his brother are in FL for the week! His brother (and friends) drove down from MD on Friday and then they all got in the car and made the drive to FL on Saturday. I was SO GLAD I couldn’t go with them! Being in the car for that long REALLY would have been the end of me. Continue reading “L-O-N-G Distance”