Get Outta the House!

Happy Valentine’s Day 2020!

M has always been a big proponent of greeting cards – he LOVES to give and receive cards for every special occasion, so I made sure I had a couple of Valentine’s cards for him this morning. The NC Zoo had the cutest cards, featuring some of the zoo animals, free to download and print. I did that for him and they were adorable! Continue reading “Get Outta the House!”

Gratitude IS an Attitude

One of the things I find myself most grateful for lately is uneventful days. If M and I have an uneventful day and/or evening, instead of thinking “wow, this was a really boring day” or “that’s sad, nothing exciting happened today,” I’m happy for days like that. I can’t say those days are normal, in the way days used to be, but maybe they’re not so bad. Continue reading “Gratitude IS an Attitude”