Surfin’ USA

M and I had a funny thing happen over the weekend – as we were driving back from the store, he mentioned all the houses near us that had solar panels on the roof. We have talked, in the past, about getting solar panels, but haven’t done much beyond talking about it. Continue reading “Surfin’ USA”

Sew What?

I recently joined a Facebook group for caregivers of people with dementia. A lot of the people on there are caring for folks who are in their 80s and 90s, but some of them are in the same situation I am in; caring for someone who is WAY too young to be dealing with this horrible disease. Continue reading “Sew What?”

I Want my MTV

I feel like a real detective today – I finally solved a mystery.

I’ve been wondering why M is so attached to his playlist of ‘80s songs and why he sits in his chair, every evening, with his headphones on and listens to music, even though we’re watching something he has expressed an interest in seeing. I haven’t solved THAT mystery, and I don’t think I ever will. Continue reading “I Want my MTV”