This Stuff is Tough

Last night was M’s bowling night, which meant I sat with his team at the bowling alley and directed him as to when it was his time to bowl and on which lane he was to bowl. Nothing to it, right? Normally, that would be true. But a massive storm was on its way, so my head was pounding along with every pin that was knocked over. Continue reading “This Stuff is Tough”

Fashion-Turn To the Left

I thought M and I had gone through all his pants and weeded out the ones that were too small months ago, but evidently not. When I got home from work last night, he told me that he wanted to show me something, and he had five pairs of jeans laying out on his bed. When I asked if they were too small or too big for him, he said they were both. Continue reading “Fashion-Turn To the Left”

And Then it Snowed!

The past few days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and this morning) have been such a whirlwind, I have hardly had time to catch my breath, much less write anything. I work for a healthcare system and last Thursday, the powers that be decided that, in conjunction with our local health department, we would hold a drive-thru COVID vaccine clinic for 2000+ people. Continue reading “And Then it Snowed!”