The Daycare Dilemma

When someone with dementia begins to need care during the day, you know it. With M, he leaves the house while I’m at work, leaving it wide open, or as he’s watching TV, the message will come on that asks if he’s still watching a show and he needs to press “yes.” But he doesn’t realize that he needs to do anything, so the TV turns itself off – and then he wanders around the house with nothing to do for the rest of the day. Continue reading “The Daycare Dilemma”

Stress – Off the Charts!

Today is the day – the day of M’s latest doctor’s appointment with his neurologist . . . he’s the doctor that M sees on the most regular basis and the one that seems most interested in handling the day-to-day issues that come up. And I’m going to be really honest today. I know there are times I have a tendency to smile and say that everything is “fine,” but today, I’m going to let him know. I want to leave there with medications for the constant scratching that M does all over his skin, the anxiety M has and (this one is new) the anger. Continue reading “Stress – Off the Charts!”

The Autumn Leaves

So here we are, in my favorite time of year. As I was driving to work yesterday morning, there were areas almost completely covered in fog. The sky was gray, but I could see all the trees lining the highway were just starting to turn from green to bright yellow, brilliant orange or vibrant red. It almost made going into work not quite so painful. Continue reading “The Autumn Leaves”