There Are No Prizes for This Contest

When does success in care-taking turn into failure? Believe me, it doesn’t take much.

We had a classic example of it Saturday morning. M and I (still) were trying to get our downstairs back together again (if you’re starting to think this is the job that never ends, trust me – I’ve been feeling that way for a LOOOONG time now!!) and we realized we needed a few items from the local hardware store. Continue reading “There Are No Prizes for This Contest”


I realize the changing from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time messes up everyone – especially the dogs, thinking it’s time to eat an hour earlier than they’re actually going to be fed – but M is taking it to another level. Continue reading “Bedtime?”

The Autumn Leaves

So here we are, in my favorite time of year. As I was driving to work yesterday morning, there were areas almost completely covered in fog. The sky was gray, but I could see all the trees lining the highway were just starting to turn from green to bright yellow, brilliant orange or vibrant red. It almost made going into work not quite so painful. Continue reading “The Autumn Leaves”