Z is for Zinnia

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 24, 2019)

Does anyone need any zinnia seeds?

This past weekend, I planted zinnia seeds in our flower bed on the side of the house, as I do every year. But I needed two more packets of seeds to finish the job, so I asked M to stop at the store on his way home yesterday and pick up two more packets.

Imagine my surprise when I got home and there were 12 (yes, TWELVE) packets of zinnia seeds waiting for me. He said he thought that was how many I usually used. Well, yes – for the entire flower bed.

During dinner, we were talking about a friend from work and a trip she had taken last week. She was telling me about some of the passengers she had encountered on the cruise and I was trying to relay that information to M. He did such a spot-on imitation of one of the passengers my co-worker had told me about . . . I laughed so hard, I couldn’t catch my breath! He was HILARIOUS!!

It was almost as though the old M was back, for just a moment.


(Originally posted in Facebook on April 11, 2019)

We’re getting ready for a trip – we’ll be taking a cruise to Alaska soon. It’s one of those things we have always wanted to do and had planned to do once we retired. When we received M’s diagnosis, we decided things like this shouldn’t/couldn’t wait – so here we go.

Last night, we sat down to look at the excursions that are part of the trip to decide what we wanted to do. Wow. There were so many to choose from and getting M to make a decision was like pulling teeth. He would suggest something like a brewery tour and tasting, which would be fine. But I can’t drink alcohol because it will give me a raging migraine headache and he stopped drinking beer years ago because he saw it was becoming a problem for him. So, a brewery tour and tasting would be a waste of time and money for us.

Then there was the matter of his glasses. Of course, the prescription glasses that he SHOULD be wearing all the time are in his car – he wears them only if he’s driving at night. Scattered around the house are “readers” but for some reason, he couldn’t seem to put his hands on a pair of them last night. I think I’m going to order a 10-pack of them from Amazon and have a pair in every room, just like I do with my chapstick tubes.

On a happy note, we did choose an excursion that will allow us to spend some time with husky puppies. Now, THAT is going to be a ton of fun!!