Change of Heart

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 25, 2019)


M had his interview yesterday and when I asked him about it last night, all he could tell me was “everything was all over the place.”

I didn’t understand that, and as much as I tried to get him to explain it, that was all he could tell me. Continue reading “Change of Heart”

Too Much Focus

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 19, 2019)

It’s been a while since M has gotten obsessed about anything, but it happened again last night.

Friday is trash collection day, so I asked him to get a garbage bag from underneath the kitchen sink. I wanted him to go around the house and get the trash together to put out at the curb, but I didn’t say that last bit, just that I wanted him to get the bag and then I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth while he got it.

He came in the bathroom with the bag and asked if I wanted him to put the “things that are in the back” into the bag. We have a dual trash container in the kitchen – garbage in the front, recycles in the back. The recycles go in a blue bin in the garage and you aren’t supposed to use plastic bags for them, so no, I didn’t want him to put the recycles in the plastic bag.

He had to wait until I finished brushing my teeth and he was in the kitchen, almost hopping from one foot to the other, he was so anxious to put those recycles in the garbage bag he had in his hand. I sent him downstairs to empty the trashcan in the den and then he was right back, “Now, can I empty these?” pointing to the recycles bin.

I finally shut the kitchen garbage bin SO HE COULDN’T SEE IT ANY MORE and sent him around the house to finish emptying the trash in the rest of the rooms. Then I had him empty the recycles into the big blue bin in the garage so it would no longer bother him.

Whew! When he gets focused like that, it’s tough to get him to move past it. Fortunately, he doesn’t get angry or belligerent about it. He’s very good natured – but he was very intent on that recycling!

Time for Sleep

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 17, 2019)

I’m not sure exactly what was going on with M last night . . . we had a pretty typical evening – dinner, TV and then bedtime. It’s not unusual for him to fall asleep while I’m in the bathroom, washing my face.

But last night, he couldn’t seem to fall asleep. He had turned over and I was reading in bed – as I do – but he kept grouching at me to “turn the light off.”

Of course, as soon as I did turn the light off, I fell right to sleep and slept through the night. Ha! This morning, I didn’t ask him how much longer he was awake – I didn’t want to know.

It’s so hot here – 95 degrees during the day and the heat index is well above 100 – our air conditioner is having trouble keeping up. That could be a part of his problem. He’s still putting on a t-shirt, long sleep pants and socks for bed. I know that’s what is comfortable to him January – maybe he needs to change it up in July!

Back to School

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 15, 2019)

M and I try to donate blood every eight weeks at a local church that sponsors a blood drive . . . he’s type O negative, so they practically give him a piggy-back ride to get him there. Everyone at the church who works the blood drive is really nice and they have the best snacks – homemade peanut butter crackers, donuts, fresh popcorn. And now you know why I go!

Now that “back to school” is right around the corner (can you believe it?!?) the church is gathering supplies for children whose parents can’t afford to buy them. So, I stocked up on some things that M and I could donate and help out. When we were unloading our groceries, I told him to put the school supplies in the dining room and we would take them to the church later.

Saturday afternoon, he asked me what we were doing with all those school supplies.



(Originally posted in Facebook on July 12, 2019)

It’s a red letter day – both M and I got out of the house today and neither of us had a headache! I think that deserves to be noted in some way.

Last night, I went downtown to the old theater to see “Grease” with a friend. M wasn’t interested in going, so it was a girls night out. We had a ton of fun – it was hilarious to see all the people in the theater singing and clapping along with the songs in the movie.

M did call me when he got home from work yesterday to let me know he talked to someone from his HR department about the new position he wants. Unfortunately, I really don’t understand what the HR person said . . . and M doesn’t seem to be able to tell me. He and I talked about it again this morning and I still couldn’t make any sense out of what he was saying.

He said the HR guy told him they received his application for the job. Okay – got that. But then there was some sort of conversation about next steps and all M kept saying was “doing that thing” and “you know.”

When he’s saying “doing that thing” I think he’s referring to the application we completed online, but as far as I know, it’s done. There’s nothing else to do. The ball is now in HR’s court.

And when he says “you know” – no, I don’t know.

So we had a couple of very frustrating conversations, with neither of us understanding what the other one was trying to say. I finally asked if there was anything we needed to do for him to apply for this job and he said no.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Jellybeans for All My Friends

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 11, 2019)

Karma – it will get you!

This is what I get for being unsympathetic about M and his headache yesterday. OMG – have I had the worst 12 – 18 hours of my life!

I know, for my migraines, to stay away from chocolate . . . although I find it VERY hard to do. And I have to admit, I will cheat and have a piece or two (or twenty) but I really do try to keep it out of the house and away from me.

So instead, I have found sizzling, hot cinnamon jelly beans. They’re not nearly as satisfying as chocolate, but they’re really good and I like them. And I have a big bag of them at home.

Also, I made Watergate salad over the weekend and put maraschino cherries on top.

Last night for dinner, I finished off the salad with some jelly beans for dessert – doesn’t that sound nice and healthy? Evidently, all that red dye did a number on my head.

And I mean A NUMBER. WOW!

I went to bed with a headache. Woke up in the middle of the night with a headache. And then woke up this morning with a headache.


At one point, I really thought I was going to be sick . . . and if you know me, you know I will fight that off FOREVER!!

And I was taking my heavy-duty medicine, drinking Coke and eating saltines for all I was worth. Finally, FINALLY about 9 am, I started feeling better.

I came into work this morning without my watch or any of my jewelry, without my name badge . . . I think I’m lucky I have shoes on.

M was feeling much better last night and I think he went to work this morning.

Memo to self: no more red dye. Anyone interested in a bag of jelly beans?

My Aching Head

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 10, 2019)

M stayed home from work today with a migraine.

It’s been a long time since he’s had to do that, and I wouldn’t say anything about it, but my own head has really been giving me a fit lately. I had a horrible headache this past weekend, but one of my brothers was in town visiting and we were meeting our parents for breakfast on Saturday morning. So, of course, I pasted on a smile and went along with everyone to the restaurant. I had taken some medicine and I knew it was just a matter of time before it kicked in . . . in the meantime, my head hurt so badly, it made my eardrums ache. But I powered through it.

I think my ability to do that has made me less sympathetic of his headache pain. I know his head was hurt – I could see it on his face. But at the same time, I manage to function and I think he can do it to.

I think I need to get over it and move on.

We’ve had some really good days lately. Days in which M is really engaged and focused and everything seems to be going well. Even when he is having a problem remembering something, he just laughs and doesn’t get upset or frustrated – which is good. I don’t know what I would do if he were to get depressed or angry when he couldn’t remember things.

Time to count my blessings and appreciate them!