The Non-Update Update

How to you update a situation in which there is no update?

Here we are, 37 days since M went into the emergency department at our local hospital and he is still there . . . sitting in the emergency department at our local hospital. And that was after 32 days in ANOTHER hospital ER. I wish I had a dollar for every memory care, assisted living and/or skilled nursing facility I’ve called to ask if they had availability to take him. Continue reading “The Non-Update Update”

If I Had a Million Dollars

Where to begin with what has transpired in the last few days/weeks?

M remained in the behavioral health unit at the hospital, no availability in the memory care facilities that were willing to accept a 59-y/o dementia patient (although they DID accept my $1000 deposit EACH to put him on their waiting list) and M’s medications remained sedation and anti-psychotic drugs. For a dementia patient. Continue reading “If I Had a Million Dollars”

This Squeaky Wheel is Rolling

And the frustration continues . . .

You know, if this were a movie, no one would believe this plotline. It’s really too far fetched to be real.

As of this writing, M has been in the behavioral health unit of the emergency department of a local hospital for 22 days. He was discharged by the psychiatrist (“discharged from a psychiatric perspective” is the phrase I keep being told) 13 days ago. But the behavior that caused him to be placed in the behavioral health unit hasn’t changed. Continue reading “This Squeaky Wheel is Rolling”

It Should Be SO Simple

It should be so simple. I had it all planned out. I was going to visit several long-term care properties in the area, decide which ones I liked, sit down with my children (including my daughter-in-law, because I value her opinion) and we would make a decision. What I neglected to factor in was the human element. I didn’t take into account how making this decision would throw my children for a loop and, in turn, throw a monkey wrench into all my plans. Continue reading “It Should Be SO Simple”

Go Ahead – Make a Plan

What is it about carefully designed and crafted plans that makes God say, “Oh yeah? Watch this!” And send your plans spinning on their heads?

Today SHOULD be the day we move M into the long-term care facility I spent days/weeks deciding on. Instead, today is the first day M is spending in the behavioral health unit of a local hospital to be assessed and stabilized. Continue reading “Go Ahead – Make a Plan”