Tough Decisions Ahead

Tough Decisions Ahead

First day at the new job!

I’m so excited to start the new job today. I don’t have to be there until 9:30 for orientation, but I made sure we were up and out of the house at the regular time (7 am) so that M could start his day normally and I could have a few minutes to myself before the day really begins. Continue reading “Tough Decisions Ahead”

Belt THIS Up

Trying to keep M in his pants and his pants all belted up has become a challenge. I’ve talked about how he’s been struggling with how to thread his belt through the loops in his pants, where to start the belt when he’s threading it through, how to fasten it . . . and then when he takes his pants off, he will worry with where his belt is and how it is looped and sitting on a shelf or on the dresser. Continue reading “Belt THIS Up”