The Autumn Leaves

So here we are, in my favorite time of year. As I was driving to work yesterday morning, there were areas almost completely covered in fog. The sky was gray, but I could see all the trees lining the highway were just starting to turn from green to bright yellow, brilliant orange or vibrant red. It almost made going into work not quite so painful. Continue reading “The Autumn Leaves”

Alert and Alarmed

It’s probably been over a year now since I’ve had M set up with all sorts of vitamins and supplements . . . and several times a day in which to take all these lovely pills. I don’t really think they’re doing anything for him, but it gives us the illusion of doing SOMETHING. Continue reading “Alert and Alarmed”

Sew What?

I recently joined a Facebook group for caregivers of people with dementia. A lot of the people on there are caring for folks who are in their 80s and 90s, but some of them are in the same situation I am in; caring for someone who is WAY too young to be dealing with this horrible disease. Continue reading “Sew What?”