Admit it – You Have the Flu

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 2, 2019)

Truly – I thought it was just a cold. I really, really did. I guess it was Saturday afternoon, when I was running a fever and completely miserable, that I finally accepted the fact that I had the flu. Ugh. I’ve spent the last four days moving from bed to sofa and back again. I don’t know when I’ve been more miserable.

It was interesting watching M during all this. At one point, he decided he needed more peach-flavored water he likes to drink, so he was going to drive to the store and get some. Never mind that we needed all sorts of groceries. He was only going to pick up water for himself. I suggested putting a list together – like some soup and tissues for me – and he got most everything on the list.

My mom dropped off a container of chicken soup and M met her at the door to take it from her. Then he brought it downstairs and handed it to me – a big plastic container of chicken soup. No spoon, no bowl, no crackers. Just soup. I didn’t laugh – I thanked him and took it back upstairs to the kitchen.

On the bright side, I’ve lost 3 lbs. over the last six days of having this cold/flu. Of course, my diet has consisted of soup, saltines and cough drops. I don’t recommend it.