Say What?

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 15, 2019)

I think we’re ending this week on a pretty positive note – even if it’s raining. AGAIN!

Yesterday, I needed to stop on the way home and buy gas, so I decided to be proactive (managing expectations!) and I called M as I pulled into the gas station and let him know what I was doing. That went well. I got home a few minutes before 6, but he knew what was going on and everything was fine.

He and I spent most of the evening in the yard, planting flowers and cleaning up yard debris from over the winter. He’s always taken a lot of pride in keeping our yard neat and looking good, but it seems to have gotten ahead of him this year. It could be all the rain we’ve had or it could be that he hasn’t paid attention to it. We’ll see.

The only issue that I’ve noticed is that he almost ALWAYS asks me to repeat anything I say to him. I’m not sure if he REALLY doesn’t hear what I’ve said or if he’s stalling for time to think about it, but I’ll say something and invariably his first response is, “huh?” I have a pretty loud voice, and no one else is asking me to repeat what I’m saying, so I don’t think I’m talking quietly. He swears and declares he gets a hearing check at work and that he passes it every year with flying colors . . . I’ve never believed THAT, but he says it’s true. He’ll see the neurologist again later this month – I think I’ll add this to the list of things to discuss.