Picture This!

Happy 245th birthday USA!

Does it make me old if I can remember our 200th birthday, America’s Bicentennial? It doesn’t seem that long ago, either.

Summer is officially here, but M continues to wear jeans and a zip-up hoodie to his “work” (the memory-care daycare center) every day. As long as he’s comfortable, it doesn’t matter to me, but I keep thinking he must be getting hot during the day. Continue reading “Picture This!”

The Thing About a Belt

I think the most surprising facet of this illness (dementia) is how quickly things change. For instance, the day can be moving along with M in a good mood and all systems “go,” as it were. Then, out of nowhere, something will change, for no reason whatsoever (or so it will seem to me) and his mood will turn black (or sad or depressed . . . you name it) and I’m completely caught off guard by it. Continue reading “The Thing About a Belt”

CBD – THC – and Dementia

If you’ve been reading this blog for longer than five minutes, you know I’ve been trying to manage my husband’s changing mood and crying spells – hoping to find a way to make him feel better. Exercise, more sleep, nutrition – none of these have seemed to do the trick. I’m working with his physician (GP) to find a magic pill that will help, but I’m also interested to know if medical marijuana might be an answer. Continue reading “CBD – THC – and Dementia”

And It’s Edible!

Can you believe it’s now been two weeks – two complete weeks – that M has been attending memory care daycare? Or his volunteer center, as we like to call it. (That’s how I get him to go – I tell him he’s going to volunteer.) I’m really pleased with everything about it: the care he’s receiving, the activities he participates in, the meals and snacks he gets every day. Continue reading “And It’s Edible!”

Fly Away Home

Here’s an interesting travel tip, as COVID fears are easing and we begin to take to flying again. As you travel from Point A to Point B, your itinerary will list the time your flight leaves from Point A and arrives at Point B. Conversely, to get you back home, the itinerary will also list for you the time your flight will leave FROM Point B and arrive back AT Point A and, ta da, you’re home. Continue reading “Fly Away Home”