Gone With the Wind

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 1, 2019)

I had a ton of fun yesterday. This year is the 80th anniversary of Gone With the Wind, so a group of friends and I took the afternoon off work and went to a 1 pm showing of the movie at a local theater. We had the best time! I had bought everyone a box of movie candy at WalMart over the weekend, so we all had snacks and drinks to last the four hours. So much fun! Nothing changed, though – Melanie died and Scarlett lost Rhett again.

When I got out of the theater, I had three phone calls, two messages and a text – all from M. Earlier in the week, I had received a call regarding his insurance and the representative needed to speak to him, directly. I had written down the information for him to return the call and we had discussed it the night before. He was calling and texting to ask what “x67235” on the note I left for him meant. It was the extension number of the person he needed to speak to.

I knew that it would be too late for him to return the call by the time I got to the house, so I suggested that he pick up the landline at the house (yes, we still have a landline), while I was with him on the cell phone, and try to return the call. Oh my goodness – what a PAINFUL experience. He was getting frustrated and I was trying SO HARD to have patience.

At first, I think he was not dialing “1” before the 800 and the remainder of the numbers. Then, I think he was adding the extension to the phone number, instead of waiting for the phone to be answered and requesting the extension. Then, of course, you have to go through phone tree hell to get a live person to request the extension – and THAT was a challenge. And I’m trying to help him from the lobby of the movie theater.

And here’s the worst part. When he FINALLY got through to the person at the insurance company – she told him that she had already gotten an answer to her question and didn’t need to talk to him, after all. Grrrr. If I could have jumped through that phone . . .

This morning, as M was leaving the house, I walked behind him to get the dogs a treat and I saw him reach for the garage lights, then stop himself and reach for the garage door opener. So now I’m going out with him and getting the dogs an extra treat in the mornings. They’re happy and he’s safe. Just one more addition to my day.