We had a wild and crazy weekend – not exactly the unofficial start to summer we were looking for. Saturday morning, some sort of animal got into a tussle with our dogs in our backyard. Our two didn’t fare very well, as you can see from the pictures. Continue reading “The Cone of Shame”
I left work yesterday, feeling so good and happy – it was GREAT! I took everyone’s advice (my brother, A, my co-workers and some of you here) and I went on Chewy.com and ordered supplies for my dogs. Boom! Free shipping and their supplements are on the way!
Then I went on Walmart.com and ordered groceries. We’re going out of town this afternoon for our niece’s graduation, so I scheduled the shopping to be ready when we get back Sunday afternoon. We’ll swing by, pick it up and it will all be done. Wow – it was so easy! The app even knew what we usually buy so it made suggestions and I just picked quantities. FABULOUS!! I’m going to schedule another one for the day we get back from Alaska, so we’ll have groceries bought that I didn’t have to schlep through the store to get. Boom, again!
And last night was better with M, believe it or not. When I got home from work, the laundry basket for our dirty clothes wasn’t in the bedroom, so I asked him to bring it up from the laundry room. He said it was full. I went downstairs and sorted the laundry into the baskets in the laundry room (whites, darks and mediums) and he said “I could have done that.”
I just kissed him and took the basket upstairs and went on with whatever I was doing.
He started to drive me crazy with questions about our upcoming trips.
“When are we flying to Seattle?” “What time are we leaving tomorrow?” “What day are we going on the cruise?”
I can tell that getting out of his routine is starting to worry him. I also realized I’ve not done a good job of keeping our calendar up-to-date. So I got to work and updated the detailed calendar so he has all the info in front of him.
If you’re at home Sunday evening and looking for something to watch (and the Braves game is over!) take a look at CBS 60 Minutes. There’s going to be a story about Frontotemporal Dementia. I saw the preview and read a synopsis about the report . . . it’s as though the reporter had been in my house and was telling our story. Here’s a link to the preview: http://bit.ly/2GYlIRM