In Saturn’s Rings

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 15, 2019)

We had a really good weekend. We attended a local film festival and saw “In Saturn’s Rings” a film comprised of over 450,000 photographs from the Cassini spacecraft during its mission to Saturn. M is very interested in astronomy and really enjoyed the film and the presentation by the film makers afterwards. If you have the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend it. Afterward, we stopped and got a pizza and had time to talk and laugh . . . just a fun day.

In the course of our conversation, I told M about an email I had received from one of his brothers where he (the brother) said “take good care of my brother.” And that I had thought it was sweet. M laughed and shook his head and said “I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with me.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to think that way? Because I don’t think that way AT ALL about myself. I know for a fact that my memory isn’t what it used to be. I know my hearing is declining. What is that song – The Old Grey Mare Ain’t What She Used to Be – that’s me!! I’m aware of it. But M is secure in the fact that he is just fine and unchanged. I’d love to know what life is like in that world. Maybe that’s what Saturn is like.

Sunday we worked in the yard and tried to get some things done outside before the rain hit. But it seemed like every time I walked back to the house, the back door was standing WIDE OPEN. It’s another one of those things – like leaving the lights on when he leaves a room – M is not shutting the door behind himself. And then he’ll say “what’s the big deal?”

Now, if you want to drive me crazy, put a fly in my house. Leaving the back door wide open will put 4 or 5 flies in my house. And then watch me lose my mind. I don’t think I would ever have made it as a farm girl. I could handle the dirt, the early hours and the work, but the flies would have been the end of me.

Yesterday ended with M on flyswatter duty. He did get them all before dinner – thank goodness!

I hope you enjoy this photo of Saturn, back-lit by the sun. See if you can spot yourself in the lower right corner.