If you’re looking for some sort of indication of how things are going in my life, the fact that it’s June and my Christmas decorations are still not put away might give you a clue. The Christmas tree is down and packed away. But that’s about as far as I’ve gotten. Continue reading “I’m Playing Checkers – the Universe is Playing 3-D Chess”
Tough Decisions Ahead
Tough Decisions Ahead
First day at the new job!
I’m so excited to start the new job today. I don’t have to be there until 9:30 for orientation, but I made sure we were up and out of the house at the regular time (7 am) so that M could start his day normally and I could have a few minutes to myself before the day really begins. Continue reading “Tough Decisions Ahead”
Fly Away Home
Here’s an interesting travel tip, as COVID fears are easing and we begin to take to flying again. As you travel from Point A to Point B, your itinerary will list the time your flight leaves from Point A and arrives at Point B. Conversely, to get you back home, the itinerary will also list for you the time your flight will leave FROM Point B and arrive back AT Point A and, ta da, you’re home. Continue reading “Fly Away Home”
Is Tequila Sunset a Thing?
I had the most amazing evening last night. I had dinner with a friend at her house and she is one of the luckiest people I know. Her back door opens onto a lake Continue reading “Is Tequila Sunset a Thing?”
Autumnal Equinox – isn’t that Fancy?
September 23, 2019. The first day of fall. It’s over 90 degrees here today. Summer can just STOP now. I’m done. Continue reading “Autumnal Equinox – isn’t that Fancy?”
Home, At Last
I know M was only gone a week – and his trip with our younger son across the country took less time than that – but it certainly seemed a LOT longer! Continue reading “Home, At Last”
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog
I have it on very good authority that my traveling men are only 4.5 hours away from home . . . although they’ve planned a day Continue reading “Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog”
America the Beautiful
It sounds like the trip is going so well!
My traveling men called as they got on the road Thursday. It was about 2 pm Eastern time, which was 11 am on the West Coast Continue reading “America the Beautiful”
A Journey of A Thousand Miles . . .
When I think about how far our younger son has come in the last 18 months . . . it is mind-boggling. He entered the Coast Guard on May 1, 2018 and, although he joined on his own – no one talked him into it – he would have told you he was being forced into doing it. Continue reading “A Journey of A Thousand Miles . . .”
We did it!
We got M packed, to the airport, on the plane and to our younger son Continue reading “Success!”