The Backstory

The Backstory

In February 2019, my 56-year-old husband of 35 years was diagnosed with younger-onset dementia.

What does this mean? What do we do now? How did we get here? Where do we go next? The pages of this blog are my attempt to answer these questions and try to stay sane as we navigate some pretty choppy waters together. Love, prayers and advice are welcome. Negativity and unkindness are not.

Just like anything else, this blog isn’t for everyone. If you find yourself reading along and thinking, “Well, all she’s doing is complaining,” or “Bitch, bitch, bitch – that’s all this woman ever does” then please, move on. This isn’t the blog for you. I’m aware that I do A LOT of complaining and bitching. That’s not news. I’m doing it on these pages so that I DON’T do it to the man I love.

One final note – this blog began as a Facebook page in February 2019. In September 2019, I decided it deserved its own website and blog space and moved it to this location. That’s the reason that the pages from the beginning were orginally posted in Facebook.